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About the Artist

My name is James ‘Jake’ Delgaudio. I was born in Brooklyn, New York City, NY. As an artist I am represented by my son Dominick Delgaudio.

Many years ago I was an art major and have since been exploring my art in a “self taught” manner. I have been displayed in various art shows, commercial and institutional settings, municipal buildings and gallery shows and my paintings are on many walls far and wide.

I have admired and studied the art and stylings of many great artists including the early abstract expressionist’s Jackson Pollock, Arshile Gorky, Willem de Kooning, Surrealist Salvador Dali, Abstract pioneer painter Wassily Kandinsky and just too many other great painters of all styles to list.

My art is a communication of sorts that allows me to convey some inner message to the viewer. Through my works I hope to instill a lasting impression in the viewer and connect that viewer with an emotion, my art being the vehicle that allows such connection. Simply, I hope to evoke an emotional response in the viewer. I do this through color, texture, shape, and filling a canvas with “light and darkness”.

“I don’t have a singular painting style, as that would be a trap. Whatever I paint ‘IS’ my style. In this way I can speak volumes on a great many topics”

My art “style” is whatever I feel at that moment I place myself in front of my canvas. A look through my paintings will reveal a deep influence and love of Abstract Expressionism, Representational Abstract, Contemporary, Modern, Landscape, and a “blended-combining” of all of them. I am not limited by having only “one style”. As I have been quoted for saying : “I don’t have a singular painting style, as that would be a trap. Whatever I paint ‘IS’ my style. In this way I can speak volumes on a great many topics”.

I draw from all past experiences, from everything I have ever felt, ever seen, ever imagined, ever dreamed. I have no preconceived notion of what to paint. I do not sketch upon my canvas, I do not draw in a sketch pad and lay out painting ideas. I do not “plan” a painting. I go to my work area and I paint whatever comes out. What appears on the canvas is what was mine to give, what was inside at that time that felt a need to be expressed. It really is as simple or complex as that. I am guided by intuition and nature and “I have yet to create a painting that was actually ‘finished’. They can never be ‘finished’. I simply stop work at a certain point. If left to myself I would have one painting and work on it for the rest of my life.”

I have been many things in my life but to mention just a few; I have owned a company for over 20 years dealing in fossils, minerals and meteorites. I have owned a large furniture store. I appeared on live television weekly in my own 2 hour TV show for over 4 years here in New York. I was also Executive Producer of my show. It was a combination of science education, paleontology, natural history shows and specials and mineralogy as well as a fundraiser. I raised many thousands of dollars for area schools science departments.

I have also been practicing Bonsai as an art form for over 30 years, more so at times than others, but with a most certain loyalty, and I have over 50 Bonsai tree’s. I have been a Harley Davidson motorcycle enthusiast, a hunter, fisherman, outdoorsman and nature lover. A Husband, Father, and Grandfather…and so much more.

I have had the pleasure of having ‘worn many hats’ in my life. My painting is the culmination of all my previous experiences brought together and made to be expressed on the canvas.

“I create because I have to”.

I will close this short bio with a quote from the famous artist Arshile Gorky who said:


“Abstraction allows man to see with his mind what he cannot physically see with his eyes… Abstract art enables the artist to perceive beyond the tangible, to extract the infinite out of the finite. It is the emancipation of the mind. It is an explosion into unknown areas.”


I find for me this is not only true about “Abstract” but rather it is true about “All” painting when it is not “pre-planned”.

Thank you for visiting!